P476479. Essential Phrases You Need for Great Conversation in Italian 43:04 P477480. 4 Tips to Kill Spoken Italian Fear 02:29 P478482. 7 Ways to Improve Your Italian Speaking 04:03 P479484. How to Get Better at Speaking Italian 31:45 P480485. Learn Italian in 90 minutes - The Best...
100 ways to say "great". 100种表达很棒的词汇。 http://t.cn/R2dU8G8
120 Ways To Say “Great Job” To a Team or Colleague : How to say great job.Recognizing employees for their hard work is important. There are a few reasons why recognition is essential. In this article, you will also get the detail reasons why giving praise at work is important. Why ...
One of the best ways to increase your fluency and learn different ways to say basic things like “good job” is to work with a native English language speaking tutor. You can ask them all about the different ways that you can say “good job” and other things. They can help you learn...
In everyday conversations, we often use phrases such as “That’s great” to express positivity and enthusiasm. However, using the same expressions repeatedly can become monotonous and lose its impact. So, let’s get started on discovering new and exciting ways to say “That’s great!”...
“You’re making great headway.” “Keep pushing forward.” “Don’t change a thing about your approach.” “I admire your work ethic.” “You’re on the right track.” “We’re lucky to have you on the team.” “You’re a rock star.” ...
GOODWORK! I'mhappytoseeyouworking likethat. That'smuch,muchbetter! Exactlyright. I'mproudofthewayyouworked today. You'redoingthatmuchbettertoday. You'vejustaboutgotit. That'sthebestyou'veeverdone. You'redoingagoodjob. THAT'SIT! Nowyou'vefigureditout. That'squiteanimprovement. GREAT! Congra...
4 Memo(备忘录、商务便函)Note(商务便条)Businesscorrespondence商务通信 Message(商务留言)E-mail(商务书信)01Writing:Businesscorrespondence商务通信 5 1、Memo(备忘录、商务便函)Q1Whatisabusinessmemo?Q2Howtowriteabusinessmemo?Q3Whatisthelanguagefeaturesofbusinessmemo?01Writing:Businesscorrespondence商务...
That's great. Right on! You're really improving. You're doing beautifully! Superb! Good remembering. You've got that down pat. You certainly did well today. Keep it up! Congratulations. You got it right! You did a lot of work today. ...
However, learning how to say no without feeling rude can help you overcome these fears and protect your health and well-being. Since you simply can’t say yes to everything, saying no politely is a great way to protect your time, prioritize what’s important, and maintain healthy ...