In Spanish-speaking countries, the customary action when saying goodbye is a kiss on the cheek, even when it is a person that someone has met recently. It is also very common to say goodbye with a kiss on the cheek and with a hug from relatives or people that someone appreciates. In ...
Ready to learn many different ways to say bye in Spanish?Download this free poster. How to say goodbye in Spanish If you’re already takingSpanish classes onlineor in person, you might have already heard of the quintessential word for goodbye:adiós(ah-dee-ohs). However, just becauseadiósis...
"'Bye" is the most common way to say goodbye in English. You can say "'Bye" to anyone you know, from friends to coworkers to clients. It's common to say "'Bye" at the very end of a conversation, even after you've said some of the other phrases in this list. For example: A...
Bye, it was nice seeing you! Casual Ways to Say Goodbye When you’re in a more casual situation, there are a whole other set of phrases and expressions you can use to say goodbye. You can use these with friends, coworkers you see often, family members and other acquaintances. Englis...
If you really need to know how to say “goodbye, my friend”, here is the answer: au revoir, mon ami. But that’s not a frequently used expression.Us French prefer to use other versions of “bye”.How to Say “Bye” in French: Salut...
So without further ado, here are 29 ways to say “Goodbye” in Dutch. Tot ziens –> So long Tot gauw –> See you soon Dag –> Goodbye Doeg –>Bye Doei –> Bye Vaarwel –> Farewell Hoje –> Bye (Limburg and Nijmegen)
Bye, goodbye, it was nice to meet you, have fun and have a nice day… Your Chinese farewell vocabulary just got pretty solid! Some phrases are different from the ones you’re used to in English and may need context, but hey, others are very similar — just look at 拜拜 (bàibài, ...
In French, for example, you can sayau revoir(until we meet again),adieu(farewell), andà bientôt(until soon). In Spanish, there'shasta luego(see you later),hasta la vista(see you soon), or simplyadios. If you want tolearn a language fastand you want to speak it fluently, you de...
Informal: bye, bye-bye, cheers, see you, see you later, catch you later, later, laters And ...
Ways To Say “Have a Good Evening” in Other Languages Here are some translations of “have a good evening” in different languages: “Have a Good Evening” in Italian:Buona serata! “Have a Good Evening” inSpanish:Que pases una buena tarde ...