To keep your yard tick-free, use landscaping that deters mice, deer, woodchucks and other animals that carry ticks, he said. People should also remove common tick habitats — such as leaf piles, shrubs and ground cover — near the house. Play sets should be kept in the sun, away from ...
Rats only need a hole the size of a quarter and mice one the size of a dime to wriggle their way inside, so make sure all holes and cracks are properly sealed so pests have no way in. Say Bye-Bye to Bed Bugs Contrary to popular belief, bed bugs don’t live exclusively in beds....
Sprinkle some coffee grounds on problem areas to repel ants. Chalk powder. Drawing lines of chalk chalk powder especially around cracks and kitchen counters can help keep ants away. Boiling water. Boiling water can be poured into cracks to kill ants. Keep your kitchen clean. Wipe all surfaces...
• Find out how to get rid of spiders in the house and how to prevent spiders from coming in. • The below are all natural spider deterrents that won't cause them, or you, any harm. • Find out if conkers really repel spiders in the home....
Peppermint not only repels spiders, it is also known to discourage mice if it’s placed on a cotton ball and put into places where mice might be lurking. Even though peppermint is safe, keep the cotton balls away from young kids since the cotton can present a choking hazard. ...
In addition to mint, most rats and mice are put off by strong herbal scents, such asbasil, echinacea,garlic, andthyme. To keep away the rodents, plant a border of these herbs around the outside of your garden. Once the rodents smell them, they will think your garden has nothing to of...
Natural Ways to Kill Aphids shutterstock/GinaLeeRodgers 1. Grow Aphid Repellent Plants Grow flowers like marigolds, nasturtiums, and sunflowers in your garden to get rid of the pest naturally. To repelaphids, plant herbs like catmint, lavender, turmeric, ginger, and oregano. Vegetables that aphid...
ensure your garden thrives. Some plant species can alsokeep pests away. Marigolds and nasturtiums, for example, can act as natural insect repellants. Daffodils, sweet pea, lavender, grape hyacinth, amaryllis, catnip, wormwood, and mint are just some of the plants that canrepel mice and rats....
Ironically, the best way to keep stink bugs away, while avoiding harmful chemicals like pesticides, is with a scent-based repellent. Fortunately for you and me, a savory blend of essential oils — primarily rosemary — is a scent that will work to repel stink bugs.Stay Away®is specially...
theseunfortunate felinesmay well have been employed for the same job pet cats are tasked with today: catching vermin. But, rather than (or as well as) deterring mice, they scared away pests of the supernatural variety: the witch’s familiar, for example, which was often believed to take ...