A few years ago my grandfather died from prostate cancer. It was a very sad time in my life…it all happened so quickly. Shortly after he passed I began to research ways to reduce the risk of getting cancer. This article is based on my research as well as the latest scientific studies...
The article discusses five ways to reduce the risk of developing cancer by making lifestyle changes. Suggestions include maintaining a normal body weight index, getting aerobic exercise, eating a healthy diet, including food rich in folic acid, vitamin D, and minimizing red meat consumption. It ...
Do you know what to do to reduce your breast cancer risk? October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so we wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of the daily habits that will help you to stay healthy. From what we know, you absolutely can affect your future by the choices you ...
Most recently, researchers from the University ofWisconsin at Madison has discovered that 16 ounces of pomegranate juice per dayalso may inhibit the growth of lung cancer. 3. Relax Feeling stressed or worried? Find ways torelax and you may reduce your chances of developing cancer. Purdue ...
(HealthDay)—While there is no sure way to avoid lung cancer, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk.
The easiest way to prevent getting lung cancer is to be a non-smoker. Avoid second-hand smoke and chemical-rich environments helps reduce the risk of... Learn more about this topic: Lung Cancer: Causes, Signs & Treatments from Chapter 9/ Lesson 15 ...
阅读理解 Among all the malignancies, lung cancer is the biggest killer, more than 100 000 Americans die of the disease.Giving up smoking is one of obvious ways to reduce the risk, but another answer may lie in the kitchen.According to a new report, ev
It would help if you took charge of your health by developing healthy lifestyle habits, which will not only empower you to cope with the medicine better but also reduce any side effects of the treatment. You should engage in stress-relieving activities, exercise, and follow sound nutrition to...
In addition to causing lung cancer, cigarette smoking is associated with severe health problems, including heart attack, stroke and mouth and throat cancers, making it a significant threat to longevity. The best way to reduce your risk, of course, is never to smoke — but if you do, experts...
5. Reduce Cancer Risk Consuming mushrooms is associated with lower overall cancer risk.1Because different types of cancers have different causes, it's not clear why mushrooms are associated with a lower risk of so many different types of cancers. It may be due to their anti-inflammatory actions...