If you’re comfortable telling people about your quest to stop drinking alcohol, that can be beneficial to you; otherwise, you’ll have to be explaining this constantly. Some people like to keep something like this secret–it’s a private thing and they feel that the mental focus they need...
You should pick one or two days every week as the day you will not drink any alcohol drink. Then, you should try to stop drinking within 1 week. You need to think about how you emotionally and physically feel on these days. When you succeed and feel better, you will see it easier t...
Getting relief from alcohol addiction is not an easy task to accomplish and requires high levels of determination, willpower, and confidence. A person addicted to alcohol needs to be psychologically strong to overcome the addiction. There are several ways to quit drinking that alcohol addicts can ...
Go start that business, go find a new hobby, go spend more time with your spouse and with your kids – you’ll find so many things much worthwhile than numbing yourself with alcohol. Believe me, it’s going to give you a sense of accomplishment to wake up knowing that you’ve finally...
I quit drinking 5 years ago — here are 6 unexpected ways it changed my lifeJennifer Still
Because of the close correlation between sex hormones and breast cancer, women should avoid things that can negatively affect their hormone levels. Drinking alcohol and smoking are known to increase testosterone levels in women. Heavy drinking has also been reported to promote the conversion of androg...
If yes, you shouldn't quit drinking just yet. There are answers to these questions. Lets explore how drinking and dieting mix together. You feel less full when drinking during a meal The reason behind drinking and weight gain is not due to the presence of alcohol, but instead can be attr...
“Alcohol is actually a toxin to the heart,” Haythe said. She encourages her patients to abstain or significantly limit alcohol intake, relegating their drinking to just one night a week, for example. She recommends that patients with heart failure stop drinking altogether...
As soon as I decided to quit drinking, I removed all of the physical things that could trigger me from my home. I got rid of the alcohol, the fancy glasses, and the bottle openers. My husband doesn’t drink, so it didn’t bother him. If you live with a person who still drinks,...
Incorporateretinoid-based products into yourskin care routineto stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture, anddiminishfine lines and wrinkles over time. 4. Quit Smoking and Limit Alcohol Consumption Smoking and excessive alcohol consumptioncan worsenfine lines. Smokingdamagescollagen and elastin, ...