Not only does learning to say no help to set boundaries and limits, but it also helps to prioritize essential work tasks. Employees often overextend themselves at work by saying yes to everything, which can lead to burnout. Those who have trouble saying no are more likely to suffer from bu...
If you want people to prioritize their wellbeing, you have to demonstrate that you are doing it too. I shared my reasons for ditching alcohol & caffeine (to alleviate anxiety), and how I block my calendar for exercise classes, prioritizing them over meetings that can be moved. As some of...
These sanity-saving approaches allow you to prioritize your time, free you up to dobig-picture thinking— all while honoring your dedication to helping and empowering others.
6 One day I caught a glimpse of that samegirl's report card at the end of the term. She pulled C's and a few B's, lowgrades, which didn't surprise me. Having to work hard and multitask forces youto prioritize, a skill she hadn't learned. 6期末的...
To prioritize your work, prioritize sleep. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each night, and strive to get at least six hours of sleep. Sometimes, it can feel like achieving work-life balance is more difficult than the work itself. You’ll find however that the extra e...
It’s a busy day at the office, you’ve just cleared your inbox to zero, and all of a sudden, you feel a headache coming on. For some of us, this is a minor inconvenience — we gulp down a bit more coffee and run to another meeting. But when that headach
7 Tips to Prioritize Your Product Backlog 1. Determine a bucketing system for organizing items on your backlog. When organizing your backlog items, it’s helpful to set categories that each item will fall under. What you choose to name these categories matters less than the purpose—to give...
9. Learn how to prioritize tasks A fundamental aspect of working smarter is prioritizing tasks so they work for you. It's not something that comes naturally for most folks, so take a look at this rundown of nine prioritization frameworks to train your brain. A tip I like to use is to...
提高工作效率的方法(Waystoimproveworkefficiency) 1.,employeesshouldhavegoalconsciousness Anaspiringandambitiousemployeewillsetalong-termand short-termgoalforhislife.Inordertoachievethesegoals, hewillmakegoodcareerplans.Concretelyspeaking,itisto dealwithallaspectsoflife,suchasclothes,food,shelter, ...
8. Prioritize the tasks The first hour at work is where most people are productive. This is because all energies are yet to be spent. So put all the taxing, difficult and challenging tasks on your agenda during the first hour. Follow these with the less pressing work, and then end with...