From upping your fluid intake to loading up on fiber, try these home remedies to make yourself poop quickly to ease constipation, according to doctors.
Constipation is no fun, but you don't have to be stuck feeling backed up forever. Here's how to make yourself poop if you feel like you need to go, but can't.
If you've found yourself here, you might be wondering: Can I do anything to make myself go poop, like, right now? And is it safe to make yourself poop in the first place? Great news: Yes! There are safe and healthy ways to reboot your digestive tract, so to speak, and resume ...
Blinkard. Dunderheaded. Nescient. Sometimes you need a new way to call something 'stupid.' Here are eight better ways.
also rely on volunteers to handle (read: show off) animals at adoption events and talk to prospective adopters. But if you’re more the behind-the-scenes type, ask your local shelter how else you can help — perhaps their adoption space needs a fresh coat of paint to make it more ...
What Holding in Your Poop Does to Your Body Clean your butt. The receptors are on the inside of your GI tract, so putting something on the outside is unlikely to help in the long run. But as a short-term fix, you could apply a soothing cream to a clean butt—use one such as Cal...
Of course if you have to go to the bathroom or are having a stomach problem, going the anal route is not a smart idea, but that’s just basic common sense. However, if it’s only fear of poop that’s standing in the way of your anal play, then talk to your partner about not ...
For most people, selling your poop is the best way to make the cash you need quickly. #2. Social Media Manager Social media management is one of the best side hustles you can do, as it offers much more than just $1,000 in income. ...
Coffee is also thought to raise levels of the hormone known as gastrin, Oldenburg explains. Similar to caffeine, gastrin can activate the colon and give you the urge to go.Then there’s a few, simpler reasons why coffee can make you poop. The basic act of drinking or eating anything can...
While my own college days are ancient history, I think it’s more important than ever that college students learn how to make money. College itself is more expensive than ever, and that’s led to more and more people borrowing money to pay for it. This year’s graduates will carry more...