It is everyones duty to do someting good to the environment around us.As middle school students, we can also do a lot of helpful things.For example, we can protect it by not throwing rubbish away.We can save water to make full use of it. We can use materials which do no harm to t...
Us Weekly has affiliate partnerships. We receive compensation when you click on a link and make a purchase.Learn more! There are many changes we can all make to live a more sustainable life — but it’s hard to pinpoint the exact steps to take. It can feel overwhelming! But we promise...
Making a commitment to Mother Nature doesn't have to mean installingsolar panels(although that's an awesome option). There are plenty ofenvironmentally friendlychanges you can make to your own home. Read on for 12 ways to easily turn your pad into aneco-palace. 1. Buy a clothesline or dry...
The good news is there’s no one way to have a sustainable home (even with a cat). The tips on this list don’t have to happen overnight – you can pick and choose which are most feasible for you at this point in time. Here are 8 ways to make your home more eco-friendly. Tab...
Aneco-friendlyapproach here doesn’t mean you’ll have to deal with expensive and inconvenient lifestyle changes. Sometimes, the easiest and most accessible solutions make the biggest difference. But what exactly should you know on the subject? What are the best ways to green your home, and wh...
But to make your house truly comfy, you need to have a few thoughtful touches to pull it all together. Below you’ll find quick and easy ways to create the ultimate cozy home, including ideas as simple as layering in thoughtful lighting, area rugs, and accent pillows to more creative ...
News travel editors and sustainable travel experts – will help you make your future travels more sustainable and meaningful. What is sustainable travel? Traveling to new and exciting destinations, whether a stone's throw from home or on the other side of the world, can be a deeply rewarding ...
As well, city planners can't just open the flood gates. These things take... planning, to make sure new developments are sustainable and services will be up to scratch etc. And of course, supply is only ever part of the problem. If investors are the only ones who can afford any o...
There are a number of ways that boutique and independent coffee shops can grow, with the right tools in place. Here's how to grow your coffee business.
If your budget doesn't allow for updating the layout, there are simple fixes to make your bathroom more inviting.