Look into freelance tutoring, which you can learn about here. 11. Work in the Writing Center Always getting top grades on your essays? Then maybe the writing center would be a good place to work. Most colleges have one, and the job of tutors there is to assist students with all things...
最后,involve 这个动词一个固定用法:be involed in sth/doing sth.还记的吗?意思是:投入专注做某事.这样的固定的用法中,就可以认为involved 是个形容词.好了,现在再看一下这个搭配:get students involved in school life.怎样,有没有理解一些? 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 更多答案(5)...
Students can express interest in a school in several ways, such as taking acollege toureither in person orvirtually; visiting with an admissions representative who comes to their high school; or engaging in an email exchange with an admissions staff member to seek out more information about the ...
things like look the person in the eye, think of interesting topics to discuss in advance, look, nod and smile to show that you're paying attention, repeat back what you just heard or summarize it.
Up to one in five high school students were targets of bullying in 2012. Nevertheless, bear in mind, these behaviors can begin early in a child’s life. The sooner children are taught about bullying and its effect, the better(3).
知道迪Unit 2 Ways to go to school阳光课堂 ·金牌练习册也可以说二、根据首字母提示和汉语意思补全短文。"aeropla Look at the t lights. S at a red light. W你做到了at a yellow light. G at a green light.安全常识要 记心间,做一个文明的小学生。看交通信号灯。 红灯停,黄灯等,绿灯行。快乐...
3. We need to overcome the emotional barriers around failure before we can learn from it. 4. True. Adopting a third-person perspective helps to soften our negative emotional reactions, allowing us to look at failure more...
Posted inWays to Succeed|Comments Closed Sit in the Front June 14th, 2010 If given a choice, sit in the front or near the front of the classroom. And look alert. Raise your hand often. If you don’t really have a comment, then ask a question, or keep in mind that you can also ...
Newwaysto treat arthritis may provide an alternative to painkillers. 关节炎的新疗法可能是止痛药之外的另一种选择。 柯林斯例句 I even began to exploit him in subtleways. 我甚至开始巧妙地利用他。 柯林斯例句 In manyways, it was a very modern school for its time. ...
To whom it may concern, I am Li Hua, president of the student union in Hong Xing High School. Exhilarated to learn that you are recruiting schools to host the International English Drama Competition, I am writing on behalf of our school to apply for the job. ...