However, do ensure that you are not simply trying to let your anger out when you speak to them. Instead, try to consciously work on developing a solution to the problem. Talk to them about how you can work on your negative feelings and try to come up with ways in which you can deal...
You Don’t Have to Deal With Anger AloneRemember — we’re all human and sometimes we let anger get the better of us. But just because you allow yourself to be angry doesn’t mean you also have to let anger rule your interactions with others, or spiral out of control....
My anger was borne out of having had no control of those events; my resentment grew out of a sense of loss. Oh boy, bitterness is so corrosive. All that anger, all that resentment had to go for me to have any chance of happiness. So with a newfound rationality, I learned to listen...
A great example for me is working out. When I feel really upset, I go to my workout room and start riding my bike. I keep riding until I’m so tired that the anger no longer consumes me. Instead, the workout becomes less about overcoming the anger I’m feeling and more about surv...
If you too would like to harness your own natural anger,check out Ruda’s excellent masterclass on turning anger into your ally here. I recently watched this 60-minute masterclass where I discovered: The importance of feeling anger How to claim ownership of my anger ...
Go ahead, let it all out! That's better than holding it in. Media Platforms Design Team There's something to be said for having a hey-it's-all-good attitude, but showing a little anger now and then may lower your risks of several killer diseases, reveals a new German study. People...
Breakups can be brutal, but it's possible to get over your ex with these 19 expert-recommended tips to help heal your broken heart and move on for good.
7. Take responsibility for your anger. Only you can control your anger response. You can also choose to let go of that anger and change your focus to restore calm. Consider the following quote: “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our...
At its best, however, anger is an emotion that can fuel us to great success–and ultimately, even happiness–so long as we control the anger we feel, and don’t let it control us. Want to learn how to turn your most fiery emotion into success? Here are 5 ways to do just that. ...
Make posters to keep you focused Write down sticky notes or big posters on your wall with various calm, peace and silence quotes to constantly keep you reminding of how to manage your anger and not let it out on your child. This activity can also help your children learn something on thei...