If you're close to your due date and getting ready to give birth, you may be looking for ways to speed things along. As long as your healthcare provider signs off on it, here are some things Dr. Sasha Hakman suggests to helpkickstart labor naturally. You may be surprised by one of...
All of the medical ways to induce labor can lead to stronger, more painful, and more frequent contractions, which may lead the mother to use pain medications that would otherwise not be requested. These powerful contractions may also limit oxygen supply to the baby, thus increasing the risk of...
By the end of this article, you'll be able to know whether labor induction is safe and learn some of the ways to induce labor at home.
图书Natural Ways to Induce Labor and Other Essential Tidbits for the Expectant Mother 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
The myriad causes of its demise have been thoroughly chronicled, but to my mind one stands out: The custodians of GM simply gave up trying to build the best cars in the world. To accommodate a host of competing interests, from shareholders to bondholders to labor, they repeatedly compromised...
Many nonhuman animals have the emotional capacities to form caring relationships that matter to them, and for their immediate welfare. Drawing from care et