Deborah Kotz
Sleep is an important part of everyone’s routine and is an indispensable part of a healthy lifestyle, especially for growing children. Getting adequate sleep can not only support a healthy immune system, but it can help improve your child’s cognitive development. Studies have shown that adequa...
That’s right, Melatonin is a hormone secreted by our brains, which shuts down our bodies ready for sleep. To make sure we’re in synch with the natural world around us, Melatonin also has another clever characteristic; Melatonin, aka the Vampire Hormone, is killed off by light. Melatonin ...
Fortunately, there are things you can do to delay wake-up time and help establish healthy sleep habits in your kiddo from the get-go. 1. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule “The most important thing to ensuring a good sleep for a child is a regular sleep time and regular wake-up ...
4. We help babies shift to “regular” naps. As children grow, their napping needs become more regular. Children in our Toddler, Preschool, and Prekindergarten classrooms have one long midday nap. If a child sleeps longer than the allotted naptime, we let them sleep. Growing bodies...
Body temperature is naturally lowered duringsleep as another functionof melatonin. You can help this process along by lowering the temperature in their sleep environment at night. Keeping the room cool will also cause your child to want to snuggle down beneath soft, warm covers, which is conduciv...
Screen addiction can impact your child’s ability to focus on schoolwork and socialise with friends, as well as have the potential to negatively impact their eyesight, weight and mental and physical health. Ways you can help 1. Limit your own screen time ...
Eighthealthyhabitsinmiddleagemayincreaseyourlifebymorethantwentyyears.中年时的八个健康习惯,可以让你多活二十多年。Accordingtoresearch, youcanlengthenyourlifebydoingregularexercise, havingahealthydiet, positivesocialrelationshipsandaregularsleeproutine, andavoidingstress, smoking, opioiddrugs, andtoomuchalcohol....
Small, intentional actions shape a child’s sense of being valued. Showing your love requires constant effort and care but is well worth the investment. Continue Reading Inspiration Parenthood What You Can Do During the Day to Help You Sleep Better at Night by Mia Barnes Con...
From proper sleep posture, use of weighted blankets, to practicing progressive muscle relaxation we’ve got unique tips to help you. Disclaimer: We are so honored to help you maximize your health! If you are struggling to find the help you need, please note that all content found on this...