One of my all-time favorite exercises to call in what you want to feel or be is affirmations. I’ve always been a big believer in personal growth, so it was an easy sell, but I still have to tell you I only “trusted the system.” I wasn’t 100% positive that they worked. Here...
Picture this: it’s 2024, and we've all resolved to make this the year we finally conquer our snack demons. But, if you’re anything like me (a self-proclaimed snaccident-prone gal with a PhD in snacking), you know just how tough it can be to stay on track. Whenever that ...
You have free will: you have a choice as to how much time and energy to spend with and give other people. You can and should set limits and boundaries because, at the end of the day, you’re always at a disadvantage if you let others suck the life out of you. 1. Recognize the ...
Is it vampires, werewolves, and demons or is it the terror of waking up to the same day over and over again, or a violence that lands on your doorstep, something you summoned through your own dark actions? It’s whatever you want it to be. Think of the genres you write, and then ...
Today I noticed in the updates that following the United States Department of State policy suggesting U.S. citizens leave China, the United Kingdom embassy just released the same recommendation to subjects of the kingdom. In 2009, did UK subjects in America get a notice from their kingdom to...
How to dress sexier and look super-attractive whenoverweight, from my gorgeous friend Marlena Stell, of Makeup Geek: 6. Get a makeover Sure, get your hair, makeup and wardrobe overhauled (if you can afford it), butcleanse your home and closet first!Rid your space of old things that ...
And if you run into them and they bring stuff up then TRAIN THEM. Walk away, or say, “ok, well, I have to go now” and walk away. If you have to stay right with them, then just turn your brain off. Get them out of there. As long as you are the slightest bit angry then ...