It can be wise to use more than one credit card during your planning. Weddings are expensive, so determining which cards will give you the best return on your purchase can be a difference of hundreds of dollars in value. For example: If you’re paying for a catered meal from a local ...
If you need tomake money in 24 hours or less, there’s no better way than selling some of your extra or unused stuff.CraigslistandFacebook Marketplaceare my go-to resources for selling stuff online fast. For unique items, I turn to eBay as the nationwide audience will increase the number...
making them an attractive choice for investors seeking reliable income. By focusing on higherquality bonds, investors can benefit from the additional yield pick up over risk-free rates without significantly increasing exposure to credit risk.
Before you go all in on your savings, don’t forget to consider the part of your financial life that can actively eat into your monthly savings:interest rates on your debt. Look at any debt with higher interest rates, like your credit card balance, and tackle that first. And remember, ...
Save on everyday purchases with coupons and cash-back credit cards Coupons may feel old-fashioned, but they can still be a great method for saving money on groceries, gas and more. For a more modern way to save on purchases, check out cash-back apps and websites likeShopmiumandIbotta. ...
“Therefore, the application for leave to appeal is dismissed with no costs,” she said. ALSO READ:Federal Court’s decision is a victory for vernacular schools, says Dr Wee Ka Siong Prior to this, the two NGOs, through their lawyer, Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdulla, submitted eight questions...
Many credit cards allow you to earn rewards or even cash back, which you could then put directly into savings. Cash-back rates can be as high as 5% to 8%, depending on the card issuer, so if you use the card often, it could boost your savings quite a bit. “Use the card for ev...
If you find yourself in this fix, know that you are not alone. About six out of ten American households experience at least one financial emergency a year and about one-third of American families have no savings at all, according to FEMA.1 ...
Here are some simple ways to earn PDUs for your PMI re-certification cycle. Many of these are free ways to get PDUs. Others are simple to do but come with a cost. There are loads of eligible activities to choose from, so let’s get started!