What to do when anxiety leads to panic attacks It can be hard to stoppanic attacksonce you’re in their grip. “You need to ride it out and understand it’s not going to kill you, but it’s going to be very uncomfortable,” Bernstein said. As best as you can,allow people to help...
The good news is there are simple steps you can take to regain some calm in your life. Here are six ways to reduce stress and anxiety in five minutes or less. 1. Focus on your breathing. According to Dr. Marlynn Wei, a psychiatrist based in New York City, rhythmic breathing is a g...
First, identify the key sources of stress in your life. Keep a stress diary and record all of the anxious thoughts and triggers that you experience each day. Once you understand the causes of your anxiety, you can take steps to avo...
One helpful exercise is to breathe out for slightly longer than you breathe in, which can help slow your heart rate and ease feelings of anxiety. This works because it stimulates the vagus nerve, activating the rest and digest mode of the nervous system. Just a few deep breaths in enough ...
Sundays don’t have to be scary. Understand what causes Sunday evening anxiety, and learn how to beat the Sunday blues with our Sunday Scaries survival kit.
In one study, nurses who pinned small vials of lavender oil to their clothes felt their stress ease, while nurses who didn’t felt more stressed. Lavender may intensify the effect of some painkillers and anti-anxiety medications, so if you’re taking either, check with your doctor before...
One type of shaking therapy, known asqigongshaking, is an ancient – and fun – method of relieving any stress. The holistic therapy, which does what it says on the tin, can help to release any tension you may be feeling in your body as a result of anxiety, and also can be combined...
Meditation is one of the better ways to relieve stress that you have at your disposal. This is a highly beneficial activity that you can do to relieve anxiety and stress and you will feel more at peace after doing a meditation. Stilbite has an excellent energy to enhance meditation ...
The next time you're feeling disconnected, try one of our 10 effective ways to reconnect with yourself so you can feel more present for your life and others.
Ways to Stop Overthinking About Everything These tips can help to find some peace in your mind each day.See the world-or at least your community.Did you know that travel is scientifically proven to ease anxiety, stress, and depression? Sounds like a perfect excuse to buy that plane ticket...