Local marketing is the process of attracting local customers and driving them towards your retail store. The goal is to drive them toward the location with the hope that they’ll come in and buy something. You might see it referred to as “neighborhood marketing” for this reason. Local mark...
Here are three of the most significant ways that in-store media can drive sales growth for your brand: 1. Connect with unengaged customers It is imperative that you are able to connect with unengaged customers. These are individuals who may have visited your store in the past but have not...
Contests and giveaways are effective tools to enhance brand promotion and drive customer engagement. They can create excitement among customers and encourage them to interact with the brand more actively. Brands should ensure that contests are easy to participate in and the giveaway prizes are relev...
Wholesale. Selling your products, usually in bulk, to businesses who then retail them How to boost your sales channels strategy for retail If you’re a brand selling at retail, you’ll want tips on how to increase sales and drive conversion at key retailers. Here’s the top three ways to...
Find influencers to drive sales with Shopify Collabs Shopify Collabs makes it easy to partner with creators, promote your products, reach new customers, grow your sales, and track affiliate performance all from Shopify admin. Discover Shopify Collabs ...
Between social media, email, PPC campaigns and SMS marketing, your Halloween sales strategy likely has many moving parts–and that’s a good thing. Having a strategy that’s integrated across channels is a proven way to drive brand loyalty and capture more sales. However, it also requires pre...
We spotted in a Chinese supermarket, a Tide laundry powder shop display stand placed conveniently at the end of an aisle to drive sales.
I've been in retail advertising for years and can tell you that it works. These seven ways will help you increase your sales. Follow this to learn more.
and drive sales. A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for most retailers. Stores vary in size, sales potential, and customer demographics. When each store offers the right styles in the right amounts, they sell more and are better able to plan,control their inventories, and avoid cl...
Before we dive into how to drive more of it, let's look at why retail foot traffic is so vitally important for your business: It leads directly to sales.More people in your store gives you more opportunities to make sales. Every person that walks in could become a paying customer. ...