Student loans can be a heavy financial strain, with repayment plans stretching up to 25 years and accumulating interest. Fortunately, there's no penalty for paying off your loans early and doing so can free up your finances for other priorities. If you're looking for a fast strategy, one o...
Every July 1st, Congress adjusts the interest rate caps charged on federal student loans. However, contrary to popular belief, Congress doesn’t “set” the rates for federal student loans. Instead, the feds impose a “maximum” interest rate that lenders can charge, then lenders set their ow...
You can borrow from your friend or family; however, the court will discharge the debt as you’re mandated to list it in your bankruptcy form. This loan discharge usually leads to hostility between the debtor and the creditor, except the debtor wishes to pay off the loan irrespective of the...
The challenge isn't how to make more money, it's how to make and use money to live a life you love, with time and space for yourself. And that's the heart of Millennial Money: stop hustling yourself into a breakdown and stop wasting time by managing money poorly. ...
Another way to find out if a person is indeed a military service personnel or not is to request for a copy of their DD-214. The DD-214 or DD Form 214 is a Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty. This document is provided to every militant personnel upon discharge. This...
- I need to repay my student loans. - He repd the borrowed money to his friend. 2. Pay back:这是 repay 的同义词,同样可用于各种还款场景: - They promised to pay back the loan within a year. 3. Clear a debt:表示清偿债务: