读后续写微写作之情绪描写Ways of Describing EmotionsLearning Objectives:By the end of the class, you will be able to:1. Remember some expressions related to feelings.2. Describe one’s feelings vividly(生动地) by technique “show,don’t tell”3. write the passage to show the first day of ...
读后续写微写作之情绪描写WaysofDescribingEmotions LearningObjectives:Bytheendoftheclass,youwillbeableto:1.Remembersomeexpressionsrelatedtofeelings.2.Describeone’sfeelingsvividly(生动地)bytechnique“show,don’ttell”3.writethepassagetoshowthefirstdayofyourfeelingsatseniorhigh.What’sMengHao’sfeelings?Arrivingat...
Tell them to stop:Bullies pick on people they think are weak. Be confident and tell them — in a loud voice — to leave you alone, then walk away. You might be scared, but don’t let them know that. Disarm them with words:Responding with phrases like “Whatever,”“Is that the bes...
Any time I would see a woman flirting or trying to get my mans number it made me want to cry it hurt my stomach too much. To the point we stopped going out because I was so scared a girl would flirt or even talk. It got to the point where I yelled at a gel for asking him ...
Telling her what she’ll feel or trying to describe what you think she’s feeling Negatives (Don’t tense your jaw) Speaking during pressure waves/contractions Unnecessary questions. Questions wake up the thinking brain. When in doubt:
Words to describe the book:Interesting funny sad amazing magical exciting Star rating:I give Charlie and the Chocolate Factory:★★★5 stars = Fantastic!4 stars = Very good!3 stars = OK2 stars = Bad1 star = Terrible!Review by:Gabrielle (age 12)(1)Who wrote this book review? A.Charli...
Both Muhiddin and Trump represented the modern ‘”kakistocracy”, he said, using a term invented in 17th century England to mean “government by the worst; to describe the political rise of the least qualified or most unscrupulous”. Calling it a “misgovernment for profit”, Thomas said ...
Doing what you say you’ll do showsintegrityandstrength, which is sexy in the eyes of the person who loves you. Try out marriage and/or couples counseling Contrary to popular opinion, therapy isn’t just arepair tool. Even when things are great, being counseled by a professional will help...
He's an outgoing, athletic guy (with gorgeous blue eyes) So I was wondered why he didn't talk to me (im really not that scary!) And so in the second semester, he started doing these cute little things to show he liked me. Like he always stared at me in the halls, went to my...
Related Reading:What Does Love Feel Like – 21 Things To Describe The Feeling Of Love 6. Understand her love language When you are chatting with a woman, be a bit careful of how you text her. First, try and gauge her personality and figure out what makes her tick. A secret to how ...