Anxiety Overwhelm Irritation Avoidance All or none of the above How to get over a breakup: 16 ways to deal when you're hurting Relationships Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, MBA Wondering how to get over a breakup? Explore 16 ways to help you deal with heartbreak. Plus...
49 Many factors can help determine or affect how a drug metabolizes, thereby increasing or decreasing the actual timeline for partial and complete elimination. Can You Overdose on Zoloft ( sertraline )? Yes, it is definitely possible for SSRI poisoning to occur. A substantial Zoloft overdose ...
What is an energy vampire and how do they affect our health? An “energy vampire” is a person who leaves you feeling depleted both emotionally and mentally after you’ve spent time with them. It’s not a clinical term, but more a colloquial shorthand used to describe a kind of person...
The objectives of this review are to describe the role of microglia in neurodevelopment and neurodevelopmental disorders; examine the diversity of B-cell responses that contribute to CNS disease, including antibody-mediated encephalitis, paraneoplastic neurological diseases (PND), and MS; and understand ...
clinically studied probiotic supplement containing a few strains of both Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium." There are plenty of greatprobiotics for womento choose from. (It's important to note that the potency and survivability of probiotic supplements is a highly debated topic within the health and...
or mental health. That way, you can develop a plan that takes into account your needs and preventsburnout, which can affect your personal life and productivity. Your manager may also be able to point you to company mental health resources like Lyra Health that can connect you to a therapist...
To use the MMRC scale, you choose one of five statements to describe your breathlessness: “I only get breathless with strenuous exercise.” “I get short of breath when hurrying on the level or walking up a slight hill.” “I walk slower than people of the same age on the level becaus...
S/he may prescribe you antidepressant medications that can help regulate the hormones in your brain that affect mood.[53] Be sure to describe all of your symptoms honestly to your doctor. There are several types of antidepressant medication. Your symptoms will help your doctor determine which ...
While daydreaming can be normal, if it starts to take over, it’s time to address it and bring balance back to your thoughts and daily life. How maladaptive daydreaming affects health Maladaptive daydreaming can be intense. It may affect your health and wellbeing and impact your daily lif...
Other words that describe a bad mood include feeling irritable, grumpy, grouchy, sullen, sulky, morose, and cranky. These terms can vary in intensity and might reflect slightly different emotional states, but they all generally refer to not feeling your best or being in a less positive frame ...