For those with ADHD, a doctor will often recommend medications that act on the dopaminergic system like Adderall or Ritalin (this is not medical advice and if your doctor recommends a medication you should follow their directives). However, there are natural ways to increase dopamine that can be...
people without ADHD can do easily (I wouldn’t know), and such “break it down for me evenmore”requests are the kind of thing flesh-and-blood intelligences will get annoyed by. Luckily, AI doesn’t judge you. And no one should judge you for using AI to help deal with your ADHD ...
“I have to call my mother, she’s a pain in the neck, but I have to check in.” I used to tell kids to say this. It’s a great way for teens to follow the rules without looking weak or childish. When they say, “My mom is a pain,” all the other kids ...
Astudyshows that almost 60% of the people who suffered from ADHD in childhood continue to be affected in the adult years. This can send many aspects of life off the rails. However, proper treatment and medication can definitely ward off the many negative impacts on life which include: Unempl...
Metaverse healthcare is still at its initial stage and will be encountering several challenges along the way. These challenges will make room for the metaverse in healthcare to gain more recognition. Once it has been addressed, metaverse development in healthcare will be able to deal with concern...
Medication If you have ADHD, medications that treat this condition may help reduce fidgeting: Ritalin (methylphenidate) Adderall (amphetamine) Depending on the cause of your symptoms, your healthcare provider may also prescribe antianxiety medication or antidepressants. ...
13. Supplement with Melatonin What’s the Bottom Line? Anxiety at Night & Sleep Difficulty: A Frustrating Cycle If the above scenario has ever happened to you, you’re not alone. I used to fall asleep super easily, but in 2020 the combination of excessive stress and a medication that I ...
Caffeine is a great way to shake off morning sleep inertia, however. So, if you try this, focus on getting morning light and exercise towake yourself upfirst thing without coffee. And be sure not to drink your coffee too late in the day. RISE can work out your caffeine cutoff time bas...
There are many ordinary causes of hyperactivity other than abnormal functioning neurotransmitters in your brain — the cause of ADHD. Before turning to prescription medication to regulate hyperactivity, try making changes to your daily routine and reduce distractions. Change your diet. Create calm ...
Regular throat lozenges don't do much to heal your throat, but they do alleviate the pain. The extra saliva you produce with the candy in your mouth will lubricate the throat to relieve the itchy feeling. Meanwhile, the medication in the drop acts as a local anesthetic which numbs the ...