Coping with Seasonal Depression: 15 Effective Ways to Brighten Winter Days As daylight dwindles during colder months, many individuals experience seasonal depression—commonly referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or winter depression. Approximately 5% of U.S. adults experience this condition...
Dr. Mak also makes it clear that this doesn’t mean you need to stare directly into these lamps for them to work; you just need to have them within five feet of you. RELATED: How nature can help with Seasonal Affective Disorder
and cognitive-behaviortherapy. The combination of these treatments gave her a new perspective on what she was experiencing. Feel free to try this intervention (or parts of it) with your patients who might be experiencing seasonal affective disorder, "post-COVID blues," “fall dread” or...
Through learning new skills, athletes can gain tools to cope with stress in a healthy way. Collaboration With Health and Performance Staff, Other Medical Professionals, and Mental Health Providers, When Indicated: Sports psychiatrists are often a part of the sports medicine team and...
SAD is a type of depression that changes in response to the season. The vast majority of people with SAD feel worse beginning in the fall and throughout winner. A minority experience SAD in spring and summer. Seasonal Affective Disorder is very real, and it can significantly impact your life...
The sun is a natural source of vitamin D, which has been shown to have many health benefits. Light therapy is one of only a few treatments that have been shown to help with depression. It's also used for seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression related to the changing ...
Many people who suffer from depression rely on medication to help relieve theirmental health disordersymptoms. However, antidepressants and similar drugs are not the only options to help you cope with your symptoms. Many methods can help you counter the symptoms ofmajor depressive disorderthat do no...
Emotions can get messy when you don’t have ways to cope. Have you ever witnessed a child having a meltdown in the middle of a restaurant? They haven’t yet gained the emotional mastery necessary to keep their cool in public. Emotional regulation is the ability to control your emotional ...
Emotions can get messy when you don’t have ways to cope. Have you ever witnessed a child having a meltdown in the middle of a restaurant? They haven’t yet gained the emotional mastery necessary to keep their cool in public. Emotional regulation is the ability to control your emotional ...
short on this immune-boosting nutrient. In fact, after reviewing the research on cold and flu, scientists surmised that the increase in cold and flu during winter is linked to low levels of vitamin D. Recent research also links low D levels with depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD...