So, with that in mind, let's talk about nine ways you can combat decision fatigue… How to Prevent Decision Fatigue #1. Make Your Most Important Decisions in the Morning Your mind is the clearest during the morning hours because you’re not yet worn out from the day’s activities. You ...
The aim of the study was to investigate the contributions of measures of appraisal and ways of coping (relative scoring) to two clusters of symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS; fatigue and emotional disturbance), using multiple regression analysis.Christina...
When you have negative thoughts about yourself, pause to consider what they’re tied to. See if you can challenge critical thoughts by exploring the feelings underneath the thought. Sometimes, simply recalling some real-life examples that challenge your negative thoughts can combat self-hatred. Let...
Is your brain tired? Here are 6 ways to treat mental fatigue Why are empathy fatigue and compassion fatigue so common? 14 tips for dealing with burnout and loving your life again Post-COVID depression: The unknown side effects of the pandemic ...
Feeling too much pressure to create for money Losing sight of why you enjoyed creating in the first place Tips to Help Combat Burnout and Creative Blocks In many ways, curing or combatting creative burnout and creative block requires the same things asimproving your mental health. Burnout and me...
Using a timer is a straightforward yet powerful tool to combat procrastination. It helps structure your work sessions and breaks, which can increase productivity and maintain high levels of focus. One popular method involving a timer is the Pomodoro Technique. Here, you work for 25 minutes straigh...
Learn the reasons why you may be getting easily overwhelmed. Plus, how to stop feeling anxious and what to do when you feel overwhelmed at work or at home.
As humans, we have a specific limit of endurance. For employees who are already under a lot of pressure, overwork can prove fatal both for their mental and physical health. If these issues aren’t checked on time, then it could give rise to various chronic illnesses too. And all of thes...
Spend time in nature as much as possible. Getting good water filtration is also especially important. You can also get a qualityBerkey filteror take it up a notch and use ahydrogen water systemwhich adds molecular hydrogen to combat oxidative stress and improve immune health. ...
5. Address chronic sleep loss. Transportation workers frequently experience irregular and interrupted sleep, which can lead to fatigue, insomnia and various sleep-related issues. Sleep deprivation causes higher accident and injury rates, as well as lower job performance. Recent research finds ...