1992 《Run To You》 - Whitney Houston - 出自《The Bodyguard》(保镖) 04:20 1992《I Have Nothing》-Whitney Houston - 出自《The Bodyguard》(保镖) 04:51 1992 《Beautiful Maria of my soul》出自《Mambo Kings》(曼波狂潮)Armand Arsante
If you want to impress your girlfriend, shower her with your attention. Take her on a date, send her sweet notes, call and text her every day, or ask her how was her day. She will love the gestures and love you even more for treating her like she’s the most important girl in y...
Below are different names to give your female cat. If you have noticed so far, these names are also adjectives to describe them. KoreanEnglish 보미 (bomi)beautiful, pretty 봉차 (bongcha)ultimate girl 충실한 (chungsilhan)faithful ...
Well, Jessica, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Zendaya, what a unique name! Oh, Logan like The Wolverine? (chuckle) Julia, that’s a beautiful name. As a bonus, the repetition will help you remember her name, especially if it’s a unique one. If you’re unsure of the pronunciation...
Your girlfriend will be certainly surprised with these romantic and thoughtful letters that she will keep them thoroughly with her forever as her beautiful memories. In addition, if you find awkward to say some romantic words out loud, letters are really alternative ways for you and she may ...
Sometime back ago, when I was still new to learning about seduction, I shared with a friend the tale of a girl I'd gone out with and the sexual dialogue I'd tried using to get her mind going the right way... and how disappointed I was it hadn't seemed to have had the desired...
“Well that sounds boring, you need to get out more, girl. Just going to the gym, running some errands, what kind of lifestyle is that? Get your party on, girl” or, “WOW…that sounds exciting. What an amazing weekend” (said in a sarcastic way) or, “You went to the gym? No...
If you want to start a conversation with your ex-girlfriend, then this is the best way to do it. It’s easy and simple. What you need to do is call her by mistake. If she answers the phone, then that means she wants to talk with you. Also, this means that she still has feeli...
You know how much porn I watch these days? I think I've watched one video of a couple of girls going at it in the past year or so. I sometimes stop by porn picture sites to admire some beautiful naked girls, but not often.
29. To mybeautiful cousin, I wish you an incredible day filled with everything you want and need. 30. You’re abeautiful person, [Name]. I’m so lucky to call you my [relation]. Happy birthday! 31. Have a lovely birthday, Mom. There’s no limit to your beauty inside and out!