He writes, "Hope some ppl read and try this out!" Thks T.Q!. U r our knd of ppl! Katherine McE. Has a very fun idea, "As kid, I remember eating toast sprinkled with strawberry flavored Jell-O at my aunt's house. It was delicious!!" Breakfast Lover Elaine emailed us to say,...
Call it whatever, gas, toots, breaking wind, farting, flatulence, air attack, the nether belch-we’re all referring to the same uncomfortable situation that crops up at the worst time-during a test in a silent room, or in a crowded elevator. Usually harmless, intestinal gas can be ...
@Morgan – Way to come to my blog, waste everyone’s time with the most worthless comment ever and call me a “dickhead.” Classy. But yeah, you’re right. Bartenders are ruthless cyborgs programmed to seek out and destroy all who even think about being cheap. I’m so stupid to have...
When UDP-GlcNAc production was impeded, in min6 beta cells, via GFAT inhibition, O-GlcNAcylation was reduced, emphasizing the dependence of O-GlcNAcylation on the UDP-GlcNAc pool [22]. In addition, depletion of glucose in hematopoietic cells leads to the reduction of cellular UDP-GlcNAc ...
To generate electricity aboard, kinetic and thermal energy can be used (Figure 7). FFiigguurree77..TThheepprriinncciipplleemmeetthhooddssffoorreexxhhaauussttggaassrreeccoovveerryy.. SSoouurrccee:: ddeevveellooppeedd bbyy aauutthhoorrss.. 3.2.1. 3.2.1. EElleeccttFrriiigccuTTruuerr7bb....