(本文字数约为:536,售价:30元) 在职场中,经常会遇到项目因各种原因被取消或终止的情况,这对于项目经理、团队和个人来说都是一种挑战和打击。那么,公司项目惨遭“砍掉”的情形,我们该如何用英文表达呢?提示:注意不要想当然地用cut,chop,hack这几个词哦。下面Will的美语课给大家带来了美国职场上3种常用、...
The EAIC had, among other things, recommended terminating the public officers’ service, halting their promotion and issuing warnings. EAIC is a federal statutory body responsible for monitoring and investigating public complaints about the alleged misconduct of enforcement officers or agencies as listed...
aIn the event that reflections are experienced on V.11 circuits, either the use of a terminating network at the receiver (in the range of 120 to 126 ohms) or the use of series resistors (approximately 33 ohms) added to the generator output leads, should alleviate this problem. This latter...
awherein each communications element is mounted in the downhole component with the wire passing first through a seal mounted within the conductive tube and then terminating at one of the connectors 每个通信元素在downhole组分登上与首先穿过封印登上在导电性管之内然后终止一致的导线连接器[translate] ...
the lifespan of the project becomes shorter, and the quality declines. Eventually, the project requires additional maintenance costs. There is no funding due to leakage, so the government has to borrow and raise taxes. Therefore, corruption and integrity issues need to be viewed from a broader ...
In all of the above projects, physical modeling was used to optimize the geometric design and configuration of dentate buckets.For gravity arch dams with overflow sections terminating to ski jump built in narrow and deep gorges, there is not enough flat space for jet dispersion in plan view. ...
as the“Termination Era”where the US government forced Indigenous assimilation into mainstream, English-speaking, Christian American society by getting rid of Indian reservations, terminating all treaty obligations to Indian nations, and by terminating all government programs intended to aid First Nations...
of or terminating the appointment)oftwoormore Directors to offices or employments with the Company or any company in which the Company is interested, such proposals shallbedividedandconsidered in relation to each Director [...] nh-holdings.com ...
Businesses may also make voluntary supplier changes in the interests of maintaining their reputation and fulfilling ESG commitments, for example by terminating relationships with suppliers in countries involved in international political conflicts or human rights abuses. Aon’s Executive Risk Survey found ...
Plants often make the same organ in different development contexts. Roots are a quintessential example, with embryonic, primary, lateral, adventitious, and regenerative roots common to many plants. The cellular origins and early morphologies of different roots can vary greatly, but the adult structures...