WaysofDevelopingParagraphs A.Planningaparagraph •Sample•Topicsentence:Philatelyisaninterestinghobby.•(1)Therearebeautifulpicturesonpostagestamps;(2)Thereareportraitsofhistoricalfiguresonthem;(3)ItisalwaysadelighttogetastampIhaveneverseenbefore;(4)IcanlearnsomethingbylookingatthestampsIhavecollected.Pay...
ways of developing paragraphs Way of developing paragraphs Nancy Deng 1.Planning a paragraph How to plan a paragraph: ? First, think of the topic or theme or main idea, and express it in a complete sentence (topic sentence). ? Then, think of the details or examples or facts that may ...
(2)Waysof developing paragraph (2)WaysofDevelopingParagraphs •3.Developmentbyspace •Sample1 •Oxfordisanexceptionallyolduniversitytown,ontheRiverThames,about60milesfromLondon.Oxford’scenteristheuniversity;andallaroundthecrossroadsattheveryheartofOxford,Carfax,therearegraystoneCollegesandotheruniversity...
1、Ways of developing a paragraphEssays develop as a series of interrelated paragraphs, all supporting a single main idea usually expressed in a thesis sentence. The way paragraphs develop is often established by a topic sentence.As the basic unit of an essay, a paragraph is a group of ...
Ways of Developing Paragraphs A. Planning a paragraph Sample Topic sentence: Philately is an interesting hobby. (1) There are beautiful pictures on postage stamps; (2) There are portraits of historical figures on them; (3) It is always a delight to get a stamp I have never seen before;...
paragraphswaysdeveloping精华narratediamonds 2015-9-21 WaysofDevelopingParagraphsWaysofDevelopingParagraphs (controllingidea) (major&minor) Details(factual,exampleorillustration, descriptive) Orders(time,space,general-specific,specific- general,climax) Patterns(narration,process,definition, classification,comparison&co...
WaysofDevelopingParagraphs..doc,Ⅱ. Ways of Developing Paragraphs 1. Development by Time In telling a story or recounting an event, the easiest and clearest way is to describe things in order of time. This method is also called chronological sequencing.
9. Ways of Paragraph Development 段落展开 WaysofDevelopingParagraphs •1.Planningaparagraph •Makeanoutline写提纲 •2.Developingaparagraph •9waysofparagraphdevelopment PlanningaParagraph •Paragraphsneedtobeplanned.•First,thinkofthetopicorthemeormainidea,andexpressitinacompletesentence.TopicSentence...
WaysofDevelopingParagraphs..doc,Ⅱ. Ways of Developing Paragraphs 1. Development by Time In telling a story or recounting an event, the easiest and clearest way is to describe things in order of time. This method is also called chronological sequencing.