Ways and Means Committee 英 [weɪz ənd miːnz kəˈmɪti] 美 [weɪz ənd miːnz kəˈmɪti]n. 美国众议院筹款委员会(就税收和贸易法规提出建议以便为政府提供资金)牛津词典 noun 美国众议院筹款委员会(...
Ways and Means Committee 美 英 un.美国国会赋税委员会 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 ways-and-means-committee n. 1. 美国众议院筹款委员会(就税收和贸易法规提出建议以便为政府提供资金)a group of members of the US House of Representatives which makes suggestions about laws concerning tax and trade in order...
Ways and Means Committee 财政立法委员会 ways and means n.方法,手段 ways and means of finance fund 财政资金筹措办法 Ways and Means of taxation 赋税方法 ways and means advance 度支垫款;暂垫款指中央银行垫款给政府,使其能应付短期资金的需要。 ways and means advances 赋税方式贷款,财政短期借款...
美国国会众议院筹款委员会(Ways and Means Committee)星期二(6月13日)以42比0的票数表决通过由参、众两院两党议员提出的《美台21世纪贸易倡议首批协定实施法》。该法旨在提供国会对美台《21世纪贸易倡议》月初达成的首批协定予以批准及实施的授权,并在立法中施加新的关于协定必须与国会谘商以保持透明度的要求。目前不...
Please explain “ways and means” as in “ways and means committee”. My comments: First of all, a ways and means committee is an organ which is responsible for finding the ways as well as the means, meaning money for a government to function. There is a so-named committee in the Uni...
house是众议院committee是委员会其它的意思是按它的功能不是直译意译不能仅看表面意思还应该按照习惯和语境结果一 题目 House Ways and Means Committee它的意思是众议院筹款委员会,但是从字面上我看不出来呀?有谁能详细说明下由来和名称的由来么?答得好的话加分 答案 怎么说呢,这是固定的称谓.就是把英语中的意思...
committee on ways and means 英 [kəˈmɪti ɒn weɪz ənd miːnz] 美 [kəˈmɪti ɑːn weɪz ənd miːnz]网络 众议院筹款委员会; 美国众议院筹款委员会; 筹款委员会; 方法委员会; ...
Jeffrey W. BrennanEric Zimmerman
committee of ways and means 英 [kəˈmɪti ɒv weɪz ənd miːnz] 美 [kəˈmɪti əv weɪz ənd miːnz](英)(下议院)审议(税收)办法和措施委员会 ...
ways and means pl n 1.(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the revenues and methods of raising the revenues needed for the functioning of a state or other political unit 2.(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (usually capital) a standing committee of the US House of Representatives that supervise...