Define Ways and Means Committee. Ways and Means Committee synonyms, Ways and Means Committee pronunciation, Ways and Means Committee translation, English dictionary definition of Ways and Means Committee. Noun 1. Ways and Means Committee - a permanent co
Define Committee on Ways and Means. Committee on Ways and Means synonyms, Committee on Ways and Means pronunciation, Committee on Ways and Means translation, English dictionary definition of Committee on Ways and Means. pl.n. 1. Methods and resources ava
Charles Rangel, chairman of the House ways and means committee, said he expected Congress would now move to consider legislation. 美国众议院筹款委员会(HouseWaysandMeansCommittee)主席查尔斯-兰格(CharlesRangel)表示,预计现在国会会考虑立法行动。 3. So perhaps Mr Rangel's departure as...
Ways and Means Committee 英 [weɪz ənd miːnz kəˈmɪti] 美 [weɪz ənd miːnz kəˈmɪti]n. 美国众议院筹款委员会(就税收和贸易法规提出建议以便为政府提供资金)牛津词典 noun 美国众议院筹款委员会(...
house是众议院committee是委员会其它的意思是按它的功能不是直译意译不能仅看表面意思还应该按照习惯和语境结果一 题目 House Ways and Means Committee它的意思是众议院筹款委员会,但是从字面上我看不出来呀?有谁能详细说明下由来和名称的由来么?答得好的话加分 答案 怎么说呢,这是固定的称谓.就是把英语中的意思...
Ways and Means Committee 生词本: 添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 英汉-汉英词典 AI解释 词组搭配 英语百科 中文百科 近义、反义、联想词 英英词典 英语维基词典 全文检索英汉-汉英词典 财政法;众议院筹款 近义、反义、联想词 近义词n. standing committee 用户正在搜索 Hydrurus, Hydrus, hydryzing, hydyne, ...
The word geography literally means “earth writing”. Geography has been elucidated by various sources time and again. Here is a general definition of geography:“Geography is the study of the Earth’s physical features and environment including the impact of human activity on these factors and ...
Legal Definition ways and means noun plural 1 :methods and resources for raising the necessary revenues for the expenses of a nation or state 2 often capitalized W&M:a legislative committee with jurisdiction over ways and means Love words? Need even more definitions?
committee of ways and means 英 [kəˈmɪti ɒv weɪz ənd miːnz] 美 [kəˈmɪti əv weɪz ənd miːnz](英)(下议院)审议(税收)办法和措施委员会 ...
必应词典为您提供waysandmeanscommittee的释义,un. 美国国会赋税委员会; 网络释义: 众议院筹款委员会;美国众议院筹款委员会;