Capture raw GNSS and IMU data. Waypoint post-processing software maximizes the accuracy of the solution by independently processing data forward and reverse in time and combining the results. The position, velocity and attitude solution is smoothed to deliver an unparalleled level of accuracy. In dep...
plot_gps_waypoints to save raw data from the GPS for plotting purposes. gps_waypoint_mapping to combine waypoint navigation with Mandala Robotics' 3D mapping software for 3D mapping. Convert lattitude-longitude to local odometry message If you want to convert /navsat/fix topic from gps sensor to...
That "gps thing" is robot localization. It has something called the navsat transform that takes in IMU / GPS data and provides a map-framed pose. Then with an instance of the robot_loclaization EKF, we smooth that and publish the appropriate transform. See 'dual navsat ekf' config files ...
global_position/global /mavros/global_position/gp_lp_offset /mavros/global_position/gp_origin /mavros/global_position/home /mavros/global_position/local /mavros/global_position/raw/fix /mavros/global_position/raw/gps_vel /mavros/global_position/raw/satellites /mavros/global_position/rel_alt /mavros...