WAYBILL换单保函doc 保 函 致:___船名: ___ 航次:___提单号:___ ___货名:___
空运单(Air?Waybill) 由空运承运人或其代理人签发的货运单据。它是承运人收到货物的收据,也是托运人同承运人之间的运输契约,但不具有物权凭证的性质,因此空运单也是不可以转让的。? 空运单样本如图: 航空运单与海运提单类似也有正面、背面条款之分,不同的航空公司也会有自己独特的航空运单格式。所不同的是,航运公...
由空运承运人或其代理人签发的货运单据。它是承运人收到货物的收据,也是托运人同承运人之间的运输契约,但不具有物权凭证的性质,因此空运单也是不可以转让的。 空运单样本如图: 航空运单与海运提单类似也有正面、背面条款之分,不同的航空公司也会有自己独特的航空运单格式。所不同的是,航运公司的海运提单可能干差万...
You have to fill in the largest numerical value of length, width and height (Unit: cm) of shipment 6. Shipment Type You have to selectbetween"DOC" or "Parcel". 7. Additional Services Fill the additional service name and charges offered by the company. Tick before the column of "Others"...
You have to selectbetween"DOC" or "Parcel". 7. Additional Services Fill the additional service name and charges offered by the company. Tick before the column of "Others", fill the additional service name and then fill the actual charge in the gap. ...
c.以政府提单支付货物运费,填写政府提单的号码。 d.因无法交付而退回始发站的货物,在新的货运单的此栏内填写原货单号码。 to,至:填写目的站或者第一中转站机场的iata三字代码。 byFirstcarrier第一承运人:填写第一承运人的全称或者iata两字代码。 to,至:填写目的站或者第二中转站机场的iata三字代码。 by,填写...
SHIPPER: CNEE (OR RCVR): 我司在此向贵司呈交该货物全套正本提单,保证提单的背书全部连续有效,并在此向贵司申请签发“WAYBILL”代替签发正本提单,并按WAYBILL中的记名收货人放货,我司保证上述申请均是善意的,且均有托运人(SHIPPER)的授权,并承担因此种操作方式而产生的一切风险,责任和损失,同时承...
You have to select between "Doc" or "Parcel". 7. Additional Services Fill the additional service name and charges offered by the company.Tick the box in front of "Others", fill the additional service name and then fill the actual charge in the gap. ...
You have to select between "Doc" or "Parcel". 7. Additional Services Fill the additional service name and charges offered by the company.Tick the box in front of"Others", fill the additional service name and then fill the actual charge in the gap. ...