1.easy to see through; transparent.clear glass.transparente 2.free from mist or cloud.Isn't the sky clear!despejado 3.easy to see, hear or understand.a clear explanation;The details on that photograph are very clear.claro,nítido 4.free from difficulty or obstacles.a clear road ahead.despej...
3. transparent: clear water. 4. even and pure in tone or colour: clear blue. 5. without discoloration, blemish, or defect: a clear skin. 6. easy to see or hear; distinct 7. free from doubt or confusion: his instructions are not clear. 8. (postpositive) certain in the mind;...
2. transparent; pellucid: clear water. 3. without discoloration, defect, or blemish: clear skin. 4. of a pure, even color: a clear yellow. 5. easily seen; sharply defined: a clear outline. 6. distinctly perceptible to the ear; easily heard: a clear sound. 7. free from hoarse, harsh...