The Way of the Samurai is forged in battle Play as a ronin during Japans Meiji Restoration in the volatile Rokkotsu Pass. The swordsmith Dojima falls into debt and his beautiful daughter is taken as collateral. Help repay the debt by crafting swords by
Way of the Samurai 4 takes place in the humble port town of Amihama during the mid 19th Century, several years after the arrival of the “black ships” from the West ended Japan’s long history of cultural isolation.
Way of the Samurai 4 has a large number of multiple endings, which in theory is a good thing, but in this case you will be hard pressed to find the gumption to play through repeatedly. The problem with this is that once you make it through the game once, jumping back in feels like ...
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doi: game offers a nice open world experience, but it lacks a certain level of high end polish.Staub, Mike2D-X - The Best Damn Video Game Site. Period.
Simple save file for one of the most obnoxious achievements to get, so i did it for you. ^_^
老皮台【侍道4(Way of the Samurai 4)】攘夷篇 #02 黄昏的恋情 上传者:老皮实况台 24:31 老皮台【侍道4(Way of the Samurai 4)】攘夷篇 #03 恶代官 上传者:老皮实况台 18:31 老皮台【侍道4(Way of the Samurai 4)】攘夷篇 #04 开设外语学校 ...
侍道4侍道4 / Samurai-dou 4Way of the Samurai 4 ACQUIRE Corp.,Laughing Jackal 2011-03-03 7.27.0 1想玩1在玩44玩过85已购买0在关注 列表贡献点评 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 媒体评分7.2会员评分7.0 《侍道》系列因允许玩家做出影响深远的决定而广为人知,这些决定可以从根本上改变故事的进程,本作是这个惊...
英文名称:Way of the Samurai 4 游戏类型:动作冒险类(ACT)游戏 游戏制作:Acquire Corp.游戏发行:...