The meaning of WAX is a substance that is secreted by bees and is used by them for constructing the honeycomb, that is a dull yellow solid plastic when warm, and that is composed primarily of a mixture of esters, hydrocarbons, and fatty acids : beeswax.
(of the moon) to increase in the extent of its illuminated portion before the full moon. Compare wane ( def 4 ). to grow or become: He waxed angry at the insinuation. wax3 [ waks ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA noun , Chiefly British. a fit of anger; rage.Discover...
英文:He has experienced the wax and wane of life, deeply understanding the true meaning of life. 中文:市场经济总是伴随着经济的涨落。 英文:Market economy is always accompanied by economic wax and wane. 中文:月亮的盈亏总是给人们带来无尽的遐想。 英文:The wax and wane ...
wax and wane Discover More Idioms and Phrases Increase and decrease, as in size, number, strength, or intensity, as inEnrollments in these programs wax and wane from year to year. This expression alludes to the phases of the moon, with its periodic changes in size. It was first recorded...
wax and wane meaning, definition, what is wax and wane: to increase and decrease over time: Learn more.
•wax• Pronunciation: wæks • Hear it! Part of Speech:Verb, intransitive Meaning:1.To grow, increase, expand gradually over time.2.To become. Notes:Today we ignore the stuff of candles and focus on the moon, which waxes and wanes. You've probably wondered what the moon waxes;...
Define wax crayon. wax crayon synonyms, wax crayon pronunciation, wax crayon translation, English dictionary definition of wax crayon. Noun 1. wax crayon - writing implement consisting of a colored stick of composition wax used for writing and drawing cr
wax(v.2) "coat or cover with wax," late 14c.,waxen, fromwax(n.). Also "stop or plug (a hole) with wax." Related:Waxed;waxing. also fromlate 14c. Entries linking towax wane(v.) Middle Englishwannen, "decrease, be diminished," especially of the periodic lessening of the visible ...
The meaning of WAX is a substance that is secreted by bees and is used by them for constructing the honeycomb, that is a dull yellow solid plastic when warm, and that is composed primarily of a mixture of esters, hydrocarbons, and fatty acids : beeswax.
wax meaning, definition, what is wax: a solid substance made of fat or oil and...: Learn more.