UART TO ETH (B) From Waveshare Wiki Jump to:navigation,search UART TO ETH (B) RS485 to Ethernet serial server Overview It is a UART to Ethernet module designed for industrial environments, small in size, easy to embed and integrate, with device data collector/IoT gateway, serial server, ...
Here RS485 TO ETH (B) is taken as an example, and RS485 TO POE ETH (B) is connected in the same way. Generally speaking, the serial server only needs to connect the power supply, serial port, and network cable. Among them, the power supply can use the field 2-wire power supply,...
商品名称:WaveshareRS485 TO ETH (B) 商品编号:10136939197856 店铺: Waveshare官方旗舰店 货号:20978 类型:串口服务器 类别:其他 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东平台卖家销售并发货的商品,由平台卖家提供发票和相应的售后服务。请您放心购买! 注:因厂家会在没有任何提前通知的情况下更改产...
板载 RTL8152B 以太网芯片,引出 RJ45 网口,10M / 100M 自适应。支持 PoE 以太网供电,支持 802.3af PoE 网络标准。采用全隔离开关模式电源 (SMPS)。板载 3 个 USB 扩展口,兼容 USB 2.0 / 1.1 传输。 品牌名称Waveshare(微雪电子) 商品型号PoE/ETH/USB HUB HAT 商品编号C5374676 包装方式 袋装 商品毛重 ...
PoE/ETH/USB HUB HAT 电子元器件 WAVESHARE/深圳微雪电子价格 ¥ 3.50 起订数 1个起批 发货地 广东深圳 咨询底价 产品服务 热门商品 ESPWROOM02N2 电子元器件 ESPRESSIF/上海乐鑫科技 ¥ 3.50 TD321DCANH 电子元器件 MORNSUN(金升阳) ¥ 3.50 AMEL15-24S277HAVZ-B 电子元器件 AIMTEC ¥ 3.50...
RS232 RS485 TO ETH (B) 芯片组 RS485 应用 IoT网关 其他属性 类型 以太网模块 原产国家和地区 中国 品牌 波形 产品名称 RS232 RS485到ETH (B)/RS232 RS485到POE ETH (B) 包装和发货信息 销售单位: 单一商品 单品包装尺寸: 20X15X5 厘米 单品毛重: 0.200 公斤 展开 交货...
Due to our system upgrades, this content is currently unavailable in your region. Related items Specifications Model Number CM4-DUAL-ETH-BASE Demo Board Type ARM Brand Name cbhioarpd Origin Mainland China Certification none CM4 SOCKET suitable for all variants of Compute Module 4 ...
Industrial serial server, RS485 to RJ45 Ethernet, TCP/IP to serial, rail-mount support, with POE function(optional) $19.99-$22.99 RS485 TO ETH Multi Options Waveshare RP2350A USB Mini Development Board, Based On Raspberry Pi RP2350A Dual-core & Dual-architecture Microcontroller, 150MHz Operat...
Industrial serial server, RS485 to RJ45 Ethernet, TCP/IP to serial, rail-mount support, with POE function(optional) $19.99-$22.99 RS485 TO ETH Multi Options Waveshare RP2350A USB Mini Development Board, Based On Raspberry Pi RP2350A Dual-core & Dual-architecture Microcontroller, 150MHz Operat...
③The software search identifies the Modbus POE ETH Relay device connected to the LAN ④Select the device, and then clickEdit Deviceor double-click the searched device directly ⑤Set the working parameters of the device: Click the "Local IP" button to identify the IP address of the computer,...