So while someone blowing air might have a lot of energy and result in a large pressure change, this is all happening at DC in frequency space, and none of the sensitive ear components have responsivity at DC. When someone blows into a whistle, the whistle acts as...
It is very tempting to think of a wave (e.g., an electromagnetic wave – a photon) as a particle travelling along a wave-like (sinus) curve. However, this is indeed not true. A wave doesn't mean a particle travelling in a wave-like trajectory – instead, there is no necessity to ...
How do waves transfer and transport energy? How do electromagnetic waves transfer energy? These questions are complex and to understand the answers to them, it is important to first understand the nature of particles and energy. There are two different kinds of waves: mechanical and electromagnetic...
TherelationshipbetweenfrequencyandTimeperiodis…F=1/TSoT=1/f A‘cycle’is…Theprocessthatawavegoesthroughinthetimeofonetimeperiod(T)Thefrequency(f)ismeasuredin‘cyclespersecond’orhertz(Hz) TheunitsofTimeperiod=seconds(s)Frequency=hertz(Hz)Wavelength=metres(m) EveryoneOKsofar?Anyquestions? Evaluationex...
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Waves and rays in seismology: answers to unasked questions, 2nd edition : by Michael A. Slawinski, Singapore, World Scientific, 2018, 576 pp., 140 (hardback), ISBN: 978-981-3239-87-6. Scope: monograph. Level: advanced undergraduate, postgraduate....
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Under a) the predictive power of mathematics leads to questions as the ones above and they are answered by the other answers Under b) one is not surprised by the underlying quantum mechanical level, that is modeled with aquantized maxwell equationquantized maxwell equation, which eventually builds...