including planar waves traveling in a single direction, saddle waves emerging from the interaction between multiple sites of propagation, and spiral waves that evolve in a circular motion around a fixed spatial locus [2,3
To improve theoretical understanding of the braking oscillations observed in Earth's inner plasma sheet, we have derived a theoretical model that describes k∥ = 0 magnetohydrodynamic waves in an idealized magnetospheric configuration that consists of a 2-D wedge with circular-arc field lines. The ...
Cellular protrusion- and lamellipodium waves are widespread for both non-motile and moving cells and observed for many cell types. They are involved in the cell’s exploration of the substrate, its internal organization, as well as for the establishment
Rich patterns and greatly diverse phenomena have been observed for this rather simple heterogeneity, as follows: 1) multiple natural oscillations coexist in the multi-submedium with their own natural frequencies; 2) all submedia oscillate with the natural frequency of a single submedium, which ...
The solar atmosphere is known to be replete with magneto-hydrodynamic wave modes, and there has been significant investment in understanding how these waves propagate through the Sun’s atmosphere and deposit their energy into the plasma. The waves’ journey is made interesting by the vertical varia...
a transmitting probe 1 of almost circular form is provided so as to oscillate laterally parallel to the paper surface to the body to be tested, and a receiving probe 2 is provided to make it vertically to the paper surface, that is, to oscillate laterally in the direction slipped 90 deg....
Even the gentlest sound wave, in which density and pressure initially oscillate in a smooth and sinusoidal fashion, develops into a succession of weak shock fronts in time. More noticeable shock fronts are a feature of the flow of gases at supersonic speeds through the nozzles of jet engines...
However, in our study the oscillations were forced: we made the cortex oscillate in a certain region and we studied how this oscillation propagates. Under this condition, there is little reason to assume that the various regions of cortex oscillate on their own. If they do oscillate, however...
However, a virtual spring system is attached to the ship so as to restrain the surge, sway and yaw, while heave, pitch and roll are completely free, so that the ship is able to oscillate periodically around a certain position in space. The computed mean forces and moments with the ...
The circular tube containing the prepared solution was placed inside an ultrasonic oscillator (BKE-1002DT, Hangzhou Boke Ultrasonic Equipment Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, China) to oscillate for 10 min to evenly distribute the suspended particles in the solution. The solution was subsequently loaded into ...