Numerical investigation of a new class of waves in an open nonlinear heat-conducting medium. Cent Eur J Math. 2013;11:1375-91.Dimova, M., Dimova, S., Vasileva, D.: Numerical investigation of a new class of waves in an open nonlinear heat-conducting medium. Cent. Eur. J. Math....
doi:10.1029/JZ064i011p01883ChappelearJ. E.John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Journal of Geophysical ResearchChappelear, J. E. 1959 A class of three-dimensional shallow water waves. J. Geophys. Res. 64, 1883-1890.
1.根据 Last month she explained to one of her classes about sound, and she decided to test them to see how successful she had been in her explanation.可知答案。 2.根据⋅⋅⋅and she decided to test them to see how successful she had been in her explanation. 可...
疯狗浪(Rouge waves)一般指比周围海浪还高一倍以上的巨浪。所谓“无风三尺浪”正是指的此浪,因其不可预测性,突发性和破坏性,已有不少人类船只折于其手,最早在17世纪就有疯狗浪的记载。但是这种人类航海史上的“船只杀手”或许逍遥不了多时了。就在11月20日,一篇发表在 PNAS 的一篇论文中,研究人员收集了来自...
R. Picard. A Class of Evolutionary Problems with an Application to Acoustic Waves with Impedance Type Boundary Conditions, in: Operator Theory, Ad- vances and Applications, Volume~221, pages 533-548. Birkhauser, 2012.R. Picard. A class of evolutionary problems with an application to acoustic ...
filtration combustionIt is shown that, in a wide class of physicochemical systems described by a system of conservation equations, including filtration combustion, the autowave mode of the process is impossible if the thermodynamic forces and flows are linearly related and the boundary conditions are ...
The springing and ringing responses were calculated from the numerical simulation results, and the relations between the motions and dynamic tensions of the 15-MW-class FOWT TLP were investigated. From the irregular wave impact simulation, it was found that the springing response vi...
A. MaxwellPlanetary and Space ScienceMaxwell, A., 1963. Generation of radio waves and acceleration of particles by the Class 3 solar flare of 1961 September 28. Planetary and Space Science, 11, 897-900.
Li, Global solutions with shock waves to the generalized Riemann problem for a class of quasilinear hyperbolic systems of balance laws, Nonlinear Anal. TMA 64 (2006) 2575-2603.Shao, Z.-Q., Kong, D.-X., Li, Y.-C.: Global solutions with shock waves to the generalized Riemann problem ...
We present a detailed study of the efficiency of the EUV flux with wavelengths ranging from 0.1 to 190 nm for the F region ionization. The largest increase of Delta TEC occurs below the magnetic equator line, covering mainly the central, northeast, southeast and south regions, which includes ...