physics mcqs class 12 physics mcqs class 11 physics mcqs class 10 physics mcqs class 9 physics mcqs physics waves wave a wave is a disturbance in a medium that carries energy without a net movement of particles. it may take the form of elastic deformation, a variation of pressure, electric...
physics mcqs class 12 physics mcqs class 11 physics mcqs class 10 physics mcqs class 9 physics mcqs physics waves types of waves types of waves we know that wave is associated with the transfer of energy. there are many types of waves studied in physics. some waves need a material medium ...
questions physics mcqs class 12 physics mcqs class 11 physics mcqs class 10 physics mcqs class 9 physics mcqs physics waves standing wave normal mode standing waves and normal modes let us consider a system in which a stretched string is bounded at both ends, and we send a continuous ...