Wave bundle tutorial 9 Part 9Waves Abbey Road REDD Plugin Overview! Introducing the Waves Abbey Road REDD from WavesWaves AbbeyRoad REDD for your mixes Quick video about the new Waves REDD plugin with Plugin analysis / Controls. Using the plugin to do gain staging, Drums tweaking : Drive, ...
The existence of wedge acoustic modes of a special fluidic type in solids is demonstrated using the ray theory of slow Krauklis-wave propagation in a fluid-filled wedge-shaped crack. It is found that the phase velocities of the modes at small crack opening angles are proportional to the square...
Next, we turn the main control quite far and play with the Tilt to crack down hard on the frequencies that feel too much, leaving more of the snappy, high-frequency elements up front. Now, playing with each control, we can adjust things until the arp has just the right amount of snap...
These are the plugins international forensics expert Phil Manchester uses to help crack the tough cases. His work with law enforcement covers national security, counter-terrorism, kidnapping, drug trafficking, and other serious criminal offenses that demand comprehensive forensic audio tools. With noise ...
Fig. 9 Fragments of time series of sea level oscillations (a) and day-to-day progression of the modulus, for pairs of devices for 150–147 parallel to the shoreline (b) and 142–147 perpendicular to the shoreline (c) Full size image 4 Theoretical ideas ...
The application of synthetic focusing for imaging crack-like defects in pipelines using guided waves. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 56, 759–771 (2009). Article PubMed Google Scholar Davies, J., Simonetti, F., Lowe, M. & Cawley, P. Review of ...
Despite its optimistic title, the opener,Auf der Helle I, opens a crack in the floor and lets out an underlay of white noise, the sound of far-off manhole covers being dragged who knows where, gentle filter sweeps, and slow sine-wave-ish notes that punctuate the boundless gloom in which...
An effective inversion to the stress wave transmission and the crack expansion process is then achieved in the test using the distinct lattice spring model (DLSM). Lastly, the influence of the characteristics of the defects on the crack expansion is studied with the help of the DLSM....
The problem of diffraction of cylindrical and plane horizontally polarized shear waves (SH waves) by a finite crack embedded in a plane bidimensional elastic full-space is revisited. Particularly, we construct an approximate solution by the addition of independent diffracted terms. In our method the...
Bennour Z, Ishida T, Nara Y et al (2015) Crack extension in hydraulic fracturing of shale cores using viscous oil, water, and liquid carbon dioxide. Rock Mech Rock Eng 48:1463–1473 Google Scholar Bogiatzis P, Ishii M (2015) Continuous wavelet decomposition algorithms for automatic detectio...