The standard scientific (SI) unit of distance is the meter (m), but in many cases wavelengths may be expressed in centimeters (cm) or other units. The wavelength is given the symbol λ, and the wavenumber is given the symbol k. It is defined by: k=1λ The wavenumber has unit...
1. Find the Information You Need About the Wave Find the wavelength of the wave before calculating the angular or spatial wavenumber. Both quantities depend only on the wavelength, denoted by the symbol λ, and you can even read this directly from a visual representation of the wave a...
In general, while describing wave motion in physics, we use the term angular wavenumber and represent it by the symbol kk. It is defined as the number of radians per unit distance. The SI unit of angular wavenumber is radian/meterradian/meter or simply m−1m−1. In spectroscopic studies...