Wave-equation travel-time in- version: comparison of three numerical optimization methods, Comput. Geosci., 60, 88-97.Zheng, Y., Wang, Y., and Chang, X., 2013, Wave-equation traveltime inversion: Comparison of three numerical optimization methods: Computers & Geosciences, 60(10), 88-97....
Elastic Wave-equation Reflection Traveltime Inversion Using Dynamic Warping and Wave Mode Decomposition Elastic full waveform inversion (EFWI) provides high-resolution parameter estimation of the subsurface but requires good initial guess of the true model. The traveltime inversion only minimizes travel...
Wave- equation-based travel-time seismic tomography--Part 2: Application to the 1992 Landers earthquake area, Solid Earth, 5, 1169-1188.Tong, P., Zhao, D., Yang, D., Yang, X., Chen, J., and Liu, Q.: Wave- equation based traveltime seismic tomography - Part 2: Applica- tion to...
Wave-equation traveltime slope inversion by combining finite difference and cross-correlation methods 2022 Elsevier B.V.As an essential step in seismic inversion, velocity macromodel building provides a low-wavenumber background velocity model for seismic i... T Shu,K Yang,Y Liu,... - 《Journal...
We discuss the mathematical aspects of wave field measurements used in traveltime inversion from seismograms. The primary information about the medium is assumed to be carried by the wave front set and its perturbation with respect to a hypothetical background medium is to be estimated. By a ...
For example, the traveltime misfit function is much less bumpy than the waveform misfit function. Hence, we can think of the less complex traveltimes as data skeletonized from the more complicated seismograms. The strategy of Luo and Schuster, 1991, Luo and Schuster, 1991) is to invert the ...
Wave-equation-basedtraveltimetomographyusingRytov approximation FENGBo,LUOFei,WANGHua-Zhong Wavephenomenaandinversionimaginggroup(WPI),SchoolofOceanandEarthScience,Tongji University,Shanghai,200092,China Abstract:Theconventionalwave-equationtraveltimesensitivitykernel(TSK)ortraveltimeFréchet ...
Additionally, the traveltime derivative with respect to the depth of the observation surface is given by $$ t_z \equiv \frac{\partial t}{\partial z} = -\frac{2}{v}\,\cos{\theta}\,\cos{\gamma} $$ (10) and is related to the previously defined derivatives by the double-square-...
least-squares inversion of the time-imaging operator or partial-migration operators can be effective in overcoming poor spatial sampling, and they are becoming computationally affordable (although still expensive compared with data interpolation). Well-sampled zero- offset cubes can be obtained by inverti...
traveltime-basedMVAbecauseitde- rivestheinformationusedformodelupdatesfrompropertiesof migratedimages,e.g.,focusingandmoveout.Themainmotiva- tionforusingwave-equationMVAisderivedfromitsconsisten- cywiththecorrespondingwave-equationmigration,which makesthistechniquerobustandcapableofhandlingmultipath- ing...