Encyclopedia n. A type of seismic surface wave that moves with a rolling motion, causing rock particles to vibrate in directions both perpendicular and parallel to the main direction of wave propagation. Rayleigh waves are slower than Love waves. ...
Whenyouopenonedoorintothisroom,theotherdoorcloses.Whydoesthishappen?Theansweristhatthefirstdoorcreatesapulseofcompressionthatmovesthroughtheairlikeasoundwave.Thepulseofcompressionpushesontheseconddoor,closingit. (A)Swingingthedoorinwardproducespulsesofincreaseddensityandpressurecalledcondensations.Pullingthedooroutward...
The meaning of TRANSVERSE WAVE is a wave in which the vibrating element moves in a direction perpendicular to the direction of advance of the wave.
Two sound waves moves in the same direction in the same medium. The pressure amplutides of the waves are equal but the wavelength of the first wave is double the second. Let the average power transmitted across a cross section by the first wave beP1and that by the second wave beP2then...
But every attempt to define this model must take into account a long wave that is arriving in a direction perpendicular to the breakers and parallel to the shore, creating the flow of a constant, barely surfacing crest. The shifts of the waves that ruffle toward the shore do not disturb th...
When a wave enters at an angle a medium through which its speed would be slower, the wave is bent toward the perpendicular. When a wave enters at an angle a medium in which its speed would be increased, the opposite effect happens. With light, this change can be expressed by using ...
Waves that travel perpendicular to the direction of oscillations causing the wave are called transverse waves and those traveling parallelly are called longitudinal waves. Sound waves are longitudinal waves in fluids but can be both transverse and longitudinal...
Energetech's shore-based (typically port breakwater) OCW system employs a parabolic seawall aligned to be perpendicular to incoming wave fronts to focus wave energy at the parabola's centre. Wave amplitude at the centre, and consequently available wave energy, is roughly three times the average ...
Wavesthattravelperpendiculartothedirectionofmotion Examples:Light,-pwavesforearthquakes,Oceanwaves Longitudinal Wavesthattravelparalleltothedirectionofmotion Madeupofcompressionsandrarefactionsinthemediumthattheyaretravelingin Examples:soundwavesandswavesforearthquakes ...
abut sometimes no one knows where the wave started,and then very often we can guess that if started under the sea;for earthquakes may start in the earth's crust where if forms the beds of great oceans as well as anywhere else. 但没人有时知道哪里开始的波浪,我们可能经常然后猜测那,如果...