3). Although there is a gauge choice in the definition of the 1D winding numbers, their difference is gauge invariant and the uniform change in the number of interference fringes characterises unambiguously the change of band topology at the transition. Thus, the wavefront dislocation in the ...
The formal definition of almost periodicity is that the orbit of the solution stays in a precompact subset of the energy space once one quotients out by the non-compact symmetries of the equation (namely, translation and dilation). Another (more informal) way of saying this is that for every...
Several other references use the total width per tree/plant, which has no direct physical meaning in the sense of the original definition of the KC number37. Additionally, other studies show differences in flexibility and absence of extra viscous forces that influence results at a small scale....
forεΔ. The existence of a 1D Fermi surface enables perfect nesting in this case, giving rise to a fully gapped quasiparticle spectrum. Because spin-up and spin-down bands are mixed, spin is no longer a good quantum number for quasiparticle excitations across the gap. View chapterExplore boo...
If you modify a Role form to change theshowSuperAndSubRolesvariable from 0 to 1, and then import a super role object definition file containing existing subroles from the Configure tab, those subroles will not be modified to include the <SuperRoles> section. However, if you use the Oracle...
Select this option to embed the font definition in the generated PDF report. This ensures that the report is viewable in any PDF viewer. Note – Embedding the font can greatly increase the size of the document. Page Size. Choose the PDF page size by selecting letter (8 ½ by 11 ...
Each ‘Generic’ device class refers to a number of specific device classes. You can decide to assign a specific device class, however, it only makes sense if the device really supports all functions of a ‘Specific’ device class. Table: 0x01 – 0x1F ZWave Protocol Commands NameHexDec NO...
the datetime instance is first converted to UTC before calculating the number of days.date2num is the inverse function of num2date, so by definition, a % utc() == num2date(date2num(a)) evaluates as .true. for any datetime instance a....
In this regard, the normalized ratio (see definition in the “Materials and methods” section) between SWA and infra-slow oscillations plus fast oscillations reflects the balance between sleep enhancing and arousal enhancing processes. When the normalized ratio is higher than 1, SWS occurs, whereas...
steepening the tail of the pulse, thus yielding self-compressing soliton transients as short as the field sub-half-cycle. We demonstrate that this extreme pulse self-compression scenario can help generate sub-half-cycle mid-infrared pulses in a broad class of anomalously dispersive optical waveguid...