While we are trying to find exactly what light is, we can use a wave model, and/or a particle model, to predict the behavior of light in most (all?) the cases normally encountered. When we move to a sub-atomic world it can be difficult (light interacting with atoms or electrons) ...
TOC 1 Physics 222 Interference Light (and all electromagnetic phenomena) is made up of waves. Atomic spectra 10/2/14. The Dual Nature of Light: The Particle and The Wave Ancient Greeks people thought of light as a stream of tiny particles -like. 1 The Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom...
A new 2D hybrid numerical plasma model to investigate the processes of particle acceleration on a shock wave front is presented. This problem has a fundamental interest for astrophysics, plasma...doi:10.1007/978-3-319-57099-0_85Lyudmila Vshivkova...
Toy model of harmonic and sum frequency generation in 2D dielectric nanostructures Article Open access 11 October 2021 Deep strong light–matter coupling in plasmonic nanoparticle crystals Article 29 July 2020 Radiative coupling of two quantum emitters in arbitrary metallic nanostructures Article Ope...
However, regarding the ambiguities in the inversion of H/V curves, obtaining the reliable results priori information, such as down-hole measurement, to constrain the final Vs model is vital. This study addressed this challenge, and based on a hybrid artificial intelligence method introduced a new...
4.1.1 S-wave model Before engaging in comparison with experiment it is instructive to consider the consequences of using a square-integrable basis on calculating break-up processes. The S-wave model, which restricts the collision problem to just states of zero orbital angular momentum, is ideal ...
the particle velocity is ∂ψ∂t=ωDsin(kx−ωt) This particle velocity has a maximum value of ωD. Ifmis the mass of some segment of the metal rod undergoing this motion, the maximum kinetic energy is 1/2m(ωD)2. Dividing by the volume of the segment gives the energy density...
Developing a novel model for predicting geomechanical features of carbonate rocks based on acoustic frequency processing during drilling The drilling operation is one of the significant phases in geosciences. Analyzing this function assists investigators to determine the correct standpoint o... M Yari,R...
An empirical-type model proposed in the literature for crushed rock of irregular-shaped grains predicted within satisfactory limits the small-strain shear modulus of the RCA. The small-strain material damping in shear and the strain-dependent modulus and material damping were investigated and are ...
For example, it has become commonplace to calculate global body wave theoretical seismograms by mode summation in a spherical model, to frequencies higher than 100 mHz (10 s period). Typically such calculations can be done in seconds on an ordinary workstation; the time, of course, depending ...