DerivationoftheWaveEquation InthesenotesweapplyNewton’slawtoanelasticstring,concludingthatsmall amplitudetransversevibrationsofthestringobeythewaveequation.Consideratinyelement ofthestring. u(x,t) ∆x ∆u x T(x+∆x,t) T(x,t) θ(x+∆x,t)...
It presents a detailed derivation of the linear first- and second-order wave equations derived from the equations of fluid mechanics. The chapter introduces a novel way of looking at the differential operator in the wave equation, appearing in the acoustics literature in the late 1970s, which ...
We provide the rigorous derivation of the wave kinetic equation from the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equationat the kinetic timescale, under a particularscaling lawthat describes the limiting process. This solves a main conjecture in the theory ofwave turbulence, i.e. the kinetic theory o...
I want to derive the 1D-wave equation from the knowledge that what we call a wave takes the form ψ=f(x∓vt)ψ=f(x∓vt). Most physics textbooks will derive it from the tension in a string, etc., but I want to be more general than that. The closest general derivation I have...
Foraderivationofthewaveequation,seehttp://hyperphysics.phy-! SincethewaveequationisalinearsecondorderPDE,givenanytwotwice-differentiable functionsofasinglevariable(callthemf 1 andf 2 ),themostgeneralsolutionis ...
We refer to [13, 16] for information about liquid crystals, and the derivation of the equation. A key property of (1.1), and hence also (1.3), is that solutions can loose regularity in finite time, even for smooth initial data, see [10]. The loss of regularity is due to the ...
^Derivation of G. I. Taylor's similarity solution: ^Discussion of G. I. Taylor's research, including his similarity solution: ...
34, July 1983 ?9 Birkhtiuser Verlag Basel, 1983 Derivation of the nonlinear Schr6dinger Equation for shoaling wave-groups By Michael Stiassnie, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 USA* 1. Introduction The aim of the present note is to ...
{\mathrm {e}}^{{\mathrm {i}}\omega ^{(2-)}t}\). Such nonreciprocity materializes in the up- and down-converted channels only while the fundamental channel remains reciprocal. This is further confirmed using a derivation of the Scattering matrix, which is detailed in theSupplementary ...
1989). Equation (8a) shows the effective transport coefficient for the simplest ITG mode with Boltzmann electrons. The factor in front includes off-diagonal contributions. Here, the pinch term prop to εn = 2Ln/R means that transport is reduced towards the axis. Actually also the growth...