Wave action on maritime structures 喜欢 0 阅读量: 72 出版时间: 1990 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 求助全文 通过文献互助平台发起求助,成功后即可免费获取论文全文。 请先登入相似文献来源出版社 The Press of Dalian University of Technology 1990 研究点推荐 maritime structures 站内活动 ...
Liu, C.W. Twu, Wave damping characteristics of vertically stratified porous structures under oblique wave action. Ocean Eng. 29(11), 1295–1311 (2002) Article Google Scholar Y. Liu, Y. Li, B. Teng, Wave interaction with a new type perforated breakwater. Acta Mech. Sin. 23(4), 351...
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A numerical wave flume based on the particle finite element method (PFEM) is applied to simulate wave overtopping for impermeable maritime structures. An assessment of the performance and robustness of the numerical wave flume is carried out for two different cases comparing numerical results with ...
(2022) proposed a method that combines numerical simulation and experimental verification to evaluate the motion and structural response of modular FPVs under wave action. In addition to the influence of environmental parameters on the platform's hydrodynamic response, the connector's rotational ...
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Response characteristics of hull girder under the combined action of wave and underwater explosion bubble pulsation load During the mission, the ship may be simultaneously subjected to the combined wave load and underwater explosion bubble pulsat... J Zhai,LI Qiuqiu,X Kong,... - 《Chinese Journa...
The wave force on vertical breakwater exerted by the standing wave with overtopping was studied experimentally in the present paper. In the experiment, vertical breakwaters with various heights under the action of a set of incident wave conditions were conducted in a two-dimensional wave channel. Th...
The load combination of global wave load components is important in the first place for container ships because of the combined stresses caused by the simultaneous action of horizontal bending moments and torsional moments in oblique seas. Mohammed et al. [109,110] present a method for the assess...
Tidal waves caused by the action of tides (gravitational interaction between the earth, sun and the moon). Seismic activities like earthquakes or tsunamis Man-made factors like explosions, etc. Wind waves are the most predominant kinds of waves that are always present on the sea surface. The ...