One, in the US, fully half the population doesn’t own, many of those live in dense housing that has entirely insuffient area for solar or wind. In some other countries the fraction is even higher. Two, local energy storage is limited to batteries which are already approaching their ...
Since then I’ve become interested in seeing just how effective these things really are. Where I live adjacent to a string of Turbines, we get some pretty impressive winds – 150Kph is not that unusual. But we also get days of complete calm – usually at times when electricity demand is ...
Raising the floor of a house is a substantial renovation, but the technology used for raising the floor level of a house, is similar to the technology used for addressing ground subsidence – a relatively common problem. If the sea level rise remains at a much more realistic 1ft / century,...
Note that the seawater penetrates throughout the porous coral rubble base. Because fresh water is lighter than salt water, the freshwater lens is floating on this subsurface part of the ocean. The weight of the freshwater pushes down the surface of the seawater underneath it, forming the bottom...
Lacking the energy or desire to build themselves up, instead they try to find ways to tear others down, to bring the great down to the level of their own miserable ineptitude. The green obsession, Washington corruption, desire for international acceptance – all these are simply convenient lever...
Guest essay by Eric Worrall Elon Musk has launched a twitter tirade in which he appears to accuse reporters of lying about Tesla, to attract advertising from other car makers and fossil fuel producers (last tweet in the quote below). Elon Musk complains
interior of a building. Mid- and high-frequency noises are selectively attenuated by roofs and walls, causing the building structure to function like an LFN pass filter. Outdoor to indoor noise reduction generally decreases with frequency, which is related to housing construction and room ...