Watts to horsepower conversion calculator Watts (W)to horsepower,powerconversion calculator. Enter the power in watts and press theConvertbutton: Enter watts:W Result in mechanical horsepower:hp(I) Result in electrical horsepower:hp(E) Result in metric horsepower:hp(M) ...
Convert watts to horsepower (W to hp) with the power conversion calculator, and learn the watt to horsepower formula.
Watts to megawatts conversion calculator Watts (W) to megawatts (MW) power conversion calculator. Enter the power in watts and press the Convert button: Enter power in watts: W Result in megawatts: MW MW to watts conversion calculator How to convert watts to megawatts 1W = 0.000001MW 1MW =...
Accurately convert horsepower to watts (hp to w) with our online calculator. No more guesswork or math needed. Start calculating today!
Horsepower to Microwatts ConverterEnter the power in horsepower below to convert it to microwatts. Type: Horsepower Value: SWAP UNITS Result in Microwatts: 1.0E-6 hp(I) = 745.699872 µW Hint: use a scientific notation calculator to convert E notation to decimal Do you want to ...
Watts To kWh Calculator In this calculator, we just insert the wattage of our device and the number of hours we run this device. The calculator will automatically convert watts to kilowatt-hours: Convert Watts To kWh: Insert Watts (Example: 1500 Watts): ...
You can do more with the calculator. Say you wanted to get a feel for the amount of energy used in terms of equivalent amount of gasoline burnt, or in terms of how much ice the same energy would melt; you can do that also! Have fun! Energy and Power have cost and prices associated...
Horsepower to Watts Conversion Calculator Mechanic/Hydraulic Horsepower Mechanical horsepower (or imperial horsepower) is commonly used to measure the output of engines, motors, and heavy-duty machinery. It follows the standard conversion rate of 1 mechanical hp = 745.7 ...
The watt (symbol: W) is the SI derived unit for power. It is equivalent to one joule per second (1 J/s), or in electrical units, one volt ampere (1 V·A).Metric conversions and moreConvertUnits.com provides an online conversion calculator for all types of measurement units. You can...
When converting pounds to kilograms (50 lbs / 2.2046), how does one divide this without a calculator? Explain how you would convert 4 meters to millimeters How to convert centigrams to kilograms How do you convert 1.5 kg/L to g/mL? Convert 3.76934 hectares to acres. There are 1...