WILO TOP-S25/7 ART NO:2071606/15W27 CIRCULATING PUMP WINEL LPM 270 HAND PUMP REMOTE COMPACT LEVER FOR HYDRULICALLY OPERATED Winkelmann GR 175.11/4 DC motor 1.6kW 1500 rpm Winsmith 926DSF Gearbox Speed Reducer 926XSFS505X0FT Wire Matice WM 12 DA Controller AB 10Bar Wire Matice WM...
Open Thread Open Thread Deaths attributed to the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” in 2021&2022 totaled 98,000 Canadians to end2022, increasing to 145,000 by end2023. Justin, Jagmeet and their Liberal and NDP cohorts have killed more than twice as many Canadians as WW2 (44,000). [end of exc...
11.2 Heat recovery boilers waste heat of hot water Generator with a semi-open circulation cooling system, the internal circulating high-temperature water (cylinder jacket water) transfers heat to the external circulating high-temperature water through the heat exchanger. The external circulating high-tem...
Compared with solid-fuelled reactors, MSR systems with circulating fuel salt are claimed to have lower fissile inventories*, no radiation damage constraint on fuel burn-up, no requirement to fabricate and handle solid fuel or solid used fuel, and a homogeneous isotopic composition of fuel in the ...
” Further, the Earth has oceans and Venus has almost no water. 99.9% of the Earths heat capacity and thermal energy is stored in our oceans. Less than 0.1% of the Earth’s thermal energy is stored in the atmosphere. The Earth’s surface has five times morestored thermal energy than ...
Here’s what Fauci toldDr. Jon LaPook, chief medical correspondent for CBS News, in the clip circulating on social media: LaPook, March 8:There’s a lot of confusion among people, and misinformation, surrounding face masks. Can you discuss that?
EV fires become hot issue Maritime operators wrestling with solutions to EV fires as another car carrier burns ByJohn Melloron 26th February 2022 … The cars on the ship burned with such intensity that parts of the hull above the waterline melted. ...