and Charlie was the engine of subtle and heavy grooves. I’ll put on “Sway” which is my favorite song of all time. Any of us in a rock band wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t been for Charlie.”
Yes it is already there, but it is not cost free. It must be maintained, and maintaining an idled plant costs almost as much as maintaining a running plant. To be able to fire up at a moments notice, the entire staff has to be on hand, all the time. 31 Don...
His is one of precious few blogs that invites all to comment. His posting rules relate to decency and behavior,not ones persuasion or politics. You are free to remark as negatively as you like although you will be asked for support links. Give his site a visit and you are in for a ...
Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window) Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window) The Year in Books 2010 This year my goal was to read more books than any previous year....
Anew reportshows how differently people talk about climate change from how they did 10 years ago. Researchers at BayWa r.e., a German renewable energy company, scoured 1.3 trillion tweets, Reddit posts, news articles, and other publicly available sources, along with Google search data....
And then after that it could pay all of its obligations with bills of credit. Seriously? Paying debt by other debt will free you of debts? Of course not. Besides, the government is not “we”. “There is nothing to back up bitcoin etc. ,” Just as true of gold,...
All we can do at this point is use our vote wisely and – seriously, it couldn’t hurt – pray. 0 Tom Abbott Reply to Tiger Bee Fly June 3, 2020 10:05 am “The only thing keeping me from total despair is the evidence I see in places like Reddit and the meme community that...